Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Men and Shiny Things

My daughter and I had an amusing conversation recently about men and shiny things. I am widowed and she is married, however when it comes to men most women will agree that men bless their hearts married or single are all the same concerning shiny things.

As a single woman I date occasionally and enjoy meeting new people. During the last 2 years I have met some really nice and polite gentlemen. Speaking with other single female friends, we are baffled by behavior of some men. These are the men encountered that excitedly wants to meet you and begin to quote what the possible future will be like with you in their life. *Confucius say: If sounds like Bull then is Bull* Then for unknown reasons they disappear overnight from earth into the netherworld of non-communication never to be seen or heard again. Why bother in the first place we ask our female common sense brain. Oh wait...shiny things...preeettyy..

Like cats, men get distracted with new shiny things almost as soon as they find the first one. This mentality of men applies not only to their females but other things in their life. All of this I find extremely humorous. At some point the man may suddenly remember he was fascinated with the first shiny thing...when? Just a moment ago, right? He thinks. In reality the first shiny thing has disappeared long ago and he may never know that he lost something special.

I am all about politeness, “Nice to have met you” and “Good luck in the future” kind of person. I think it is just plain rude to do otherwise especially if you have known and communicated with this person for awhile. So, to all men out there remember that being polite and at least acknowledging the encounter speaks volumes about who you are.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Congratulations!! Or Is It?

Making that last note on your house or car is an exciting and exhilarating experience, right?

Congratulations! After working hard scrimping and doing without for years you have finally paid off that car. Writing that last check with “paid in full” tagged on description brings such joy and huge smile to one’s face. Cars are so reliable and well made that major mechanical problems seem non-existent during the years paying out. This is a good thing since all your hard earned money is going to the note.

Would someone please explain why it is as soon as the last note is paid and the title arrives in the mail, your car starts to fall apart? I am very suspicious that car manufacturer's program the onboard computer with instructions of mass destruction before handing over the keys when you buy them. No wonder the car sales people are waving and smiling so big in your rearview mirror as you drive away. They know for certain you will back to buy a new one or come in for major repairs soon enough. Commission is only part of it. I am under the impression a big party is thrown amongst themselves after closing celebrating their successful manufacturing plot.

So much for the extra money and plans you had for it. Not to mention it will cost you more to keep up the repairs than the note itself was. At some point depending on your finances you will find yourself back at the dealership buying another one these mechanical wonders. The notes, no matter how depressing, can seem like nothing compared to the ongoing repair cost of your old car. So as you’re driving away looking in your review mirror notice the feeling of déjà vu creeping in. The sales person is waving and smiling and you finally know for sure you were right about the conspiracy and what he is thinking.

GOTCHA!! See ya soon!!


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Forum Etiquette

Reading 1-2 novels a week I consider myself an insatiable reader. My love for books began in early childhood learning to read at age 4 became my biggest incentive. My daughters began reading at 2 years of age. Yes, I admit I am bragging on my girls, I’m a Mom. I have this thing (I repeat “my thing”) about respecting how one takes care of the books they own be it personal or borrowed. No dog-eared pages, teach your child not tear out pages, no writing/scribbling on pages, and do your best to keep covers looking as new as possible while in your possession. Never ever throw a book away! Donate the book to a library, hospital, set them out with a “Free” sign on them at laundry-mat or pass it along to someone else you know that will enjoy the read. Passing this mind-set down to my girls instilled not only respect for books but in turn allowed them to build a treasured extensive library over the years. My oldest daughter who is 32 still has many of her childhood books all in excellent condition.

Almost 2 years ago I purchased an Amazon Kindle e-reader that has proved worthy of the hefty price tag. Saving me hundreds of dollars buying new books the majority of downloaded (less than a minute) books even new releases only cost $9.99 or less strongly justifies initial cost. This brings me to subject of this blog now. Occasionally, I write a review on a novel I’ve read on the coordinating Amazon book page. Reviews are helpful when considering the purchase of new book for me at least. Recently, I finished “The Passage” by Justin Cronin loved it and posted a review under the a.k.a. of another handle that I have had with Amazon for the last 10yrs.(secrets out..L) choosing not to change it for sentimental reasons. There was the following comment response this morning about my review. Needless to say I was a little irritated as a Texan however, greatly respecting the right to freedom of speech no matter what the subject. I am posting the following that I copied and pasted from Amazon review comment pages to share just because I am slightly amused as well.


Curmudgeon99 says:
Notice how all of the glowing 5-star reviews come from Texas, where the author lives? Sounds like fake reviews...

You replied with a later post

Your post, in reply to an earlier post on July 29, 2010 5:51 AM PDT
moonflower says:
Since when did a book review comment become a personal debate issue? I refuse to let what others think effect my own "personal" review of what I read, like or dislike. Please let us keep this community of reader "personal" opinions of a book civil and refrain from negative attacks on the author themselves. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my review, Curmudgeon99, at least you read the reviews. I respect your right to do so although believed odd on this sort of forum. "The Passage" at least for me, still ranks 5 stars. Have a nice day. Texas proud!

Monday, July 19, 2010


This past weekend I had the pleasure of re-connecting with old friends that I went to school and grew up with in my home town. Something we try to do at least a few times a year or more. There was live Rock n' Roll, food, and of course Harley's. Growing up in a small town affords one always has the feeling of coming back home when events of this nature occurs. It’s real. Some of us live hundreds of miles away now. Some live as I do within a 50 mile radius however, each of us makes the effort to follow the beacon from the lighthouse home when activated and we are many.

At this point and age in my life I realize how blessed I am to still be close to the ones I love and grew up with. Each and every one us feel the same way and it is the reason why we each answer the call home again and again.

I love my friends and believe it or not after 20-30+ years we still genuinely like each other too. L We come together for a common goal. Re-connection.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Oil, Water and My Soapbox

Stepping up on my soapbox

As I listen to the Senate hearings and the news every day concerning British Petroleum I am deeply affected.

The Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded off the Gulf coast one month ago killing 11 people injuring many more. Why? One conclusion was a failed shut off valve known to be down before the explosion and there will be many more discoveries before it’s all over.

The original claim from BP was that only 5000 gallons a day were being released under the Gulf. My jaw dropped at this statement from CBS news report “… the video footage of the blown-out well has thrown intense scrutiny on those estimates. Steve Wereley, a mechanical engineer at Purdue University in Indiana, told The Associated Press that he is sticking with his estimate that 3.9 million gallons a day is spewing from two leaks….” BP states that the estimate is possibly overestimated and believes only 2.9 million is flowing from the pipeline. Oh, I feel so much better now! What a joke and have you seen the underwater videos that BP has reluctantly released?

With all the technology, science, and manpower why can’t we stop it? Why do we go blindly in search of resources knowing that disasters are possible but no tried and true contingencies in place to solve them if they do? Greed, power and the simple fact that nothing else matters to them. The livelihood of the fisherman whose sole income as well as the wildlife could be affected in worst case scenario for the next 5-10 years before recovery. The Gulf waters and floor that harbors corals, oyster beds, and feeding grounds poisoned. The beautiful and fragile marshes that are nesting and breeding grounds for so many marine and bird species are now at high risk. Today the pictures provided on the news of thick, orange-black, toxic oil beginning to seep into grassy marsh areas. The coastal marshes act as a filtration system as well for the Gulf. The grasses already starting to die from the latex-like coated toxins in Louisiana as it slowly drifts east along the coast. Now they believe the oil is entering the loop current drawing it down and around Florida’s coast and up the Atlantic coast who knows how far and what lies in its wake. I feel utterly helpless deeply despaired knowing the loss of marine life that is to come. Hurricane season opens in 2 weeks what then? Today it was reported that the oil has now entered the mouth of the Mississippi River.

I am angry that some of us choose not to stand up and speak out against such important issues. Instead we watch shaking our heads thinking what a shame yet we contribute nothing to the solution. Speak out! “We the People..” I’m speaking out as I stand on my little soapbox tapping out these words. We can make a difference in this world by standing strong together. Speaking of advocating alternative power resources such as wind and solar attempting to eliminate to some degree our dependency on oil. We can take small steps individually in our homes to conserve energy and can be as simple as replacing your light bulbs with “green” bulbs saving energy as well hundreds of dollars in the long run. Take a stand to save the eco-system that balances our very existence.

I have lived along this magnificent coastline all my life swimming, fishing, and playing in the sun on the beaches. My neighbors and I have endured many devastating hurricanes in the past as recent as Ike and Rita. We rebuild and start again drawing on our strength and power to help each other in the face of disaster. We survive. I am not a scientist or engineer, just someone that loves my little part of the world. I care deeply about the planet and the life it holds.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It All Started With Wednesday

My perception of today, Tuesday, is that it feels like Wednesday. At least that is what I keep putting on paperwork, email and everything I type since opening my office today.

I could suggest that I am having a “golden moment” as I prefer over “senior moment” however, I am not now or ever will consider myself a “senior” in this lifetime. Yes, if you need a moment to reread this statement I will pause for you…stop laughing.

The concept of becoming a senior citizen is grossly overstated and highly debatable in one’s own mind. The old adage’s that “you are only as old as you feel" and "age is just a number” in my opinion holds true. It is only until my body decides to rebel, blatantly disrupting the magic moment of positive affirmation that I briefly entertain possible cause and effect. Feeling no less inadequate, remembering the empowerment of denial is alive and well and I know how to use it.

I am very outgoing, adventuresome and a bit of a risk taker to some degree and no, I am not advertising dating services...chill. There is no rule in life’s handbook that says one must act one’s age at least in my own personal copy of it. I can be a grown up when I need to be with responsibility and all that adult stuff, however, it is just too boring and exhausting to maintain that level 24/7. My goal in life is to “experience life” whatever the heck that means. There have been remarks over the years that I look much younger than I am only fuels my excuses to dig my heels in and scoff at the numbers legally attached to me.

Friends find me witty, free-spirited and have suggested a bit disturbed on occasion over the years. My daughter may strongly concur with this statement although your kids always think their parents are little crazy and disillusioned. C’mon, how many fun loving friends do you know that when they were we will say…close to 50 give or take…danced on the bar at Coyote Ugly in Austin, sober? I'm not suggesting that it was me or anything it could have been anyone. I'm just saying. The person in question was told that if they ever wanted a job I...I mean “they”… would be more than welcome anytime. I will forever remain young at least in my own mind.

Time to go now…TGIF! Wait…no it’s Wednesday…right?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Daughters and Creative Inspirations

One of the most popular social networks in cyberspace is which along with millions of other folks I share information with my family and friends. It is for the most part full of very intricate joyful encounters connecting with my old high schoolmates and others I meet along life’s journey. So it is not surprising that my daughter and I keep in close contact using this medium on an everyday basis.

Since my epiphany to embark on this new adventure in blogging, I have struggled on what the subject of my first blog would be. Searching for that first time experience in this cyber world of public information and how to set limits with personal information. Well, my daughter in her infinite wisdom and advice has given me my first subject, indirectly. You see, I innocently inquired about how to start and write a blog after reading hers.

Upon opening my Facebook this morning the first thing I notice my sweet daughter has tagged my page with a link to her “new blog” for the day. Oh how nice, I think and eagerly click on the link to take me to what I know is going to be a joy to read. As I begin to read I am smiling because she is so witty and good with words. Reading on, my smile turns into a weird laugh and I think how clever of her to create from an ordinary conversation with her Mom. In my mind, thoughts by this time are where in the world she got this out of our conversation. All the while a healthy dose of “Oh no she didn’t” is running amuck in my head. Politely giggling my way to end of this master piece of creative writing I secretly begin to ponder my response. Luckily for her she printed a disclosure of embellishment in .2 italic fonts and in faded black text hardly discernable.

Perhaps I made a few comments and asked a few too many irrelevant questions concerning her previous blog however, I was just curious about what makes make my daughter tick. After all it is a blog of personal views and information strictly at the discretion of the author.

I am so proud at this moment to have learned that I can be such an inspiration to my child’s creative writing skills. I love you my daughter and you have and will always be my inspiration.